Connie B Coaching
Connie’s Credentials:
I am a chiropractic physician and practiced for 15 years before retiring due to health issues.
I was trained by and worked for one of the top brain retraining companies from 2017-2022. During those years, I trained and supervised other coaches, taught at in-person seminars, led group coaching classes and coached individual clients.
Courses I have taken in the past few years:
several seminars with Dr Stephen Porges on polyvagal theory
a course on trauma taught by Peter Levine
Smart Body/Smart Mind to learn about somatics with Irene Lyon
a functional neurology seminar on the autonomic nervous system taught by Dr Stangel
a three day seminar on limiting core beliefs
a seminar on chronic pain with Dr Kaufman
a seminar on frequency specific microcurrent with Dr McMakin
multiple webinars on mold led by various practitioners